Los angeles choppers exhaust

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This item will be shipped through the Global Shipping Program and includes international tracking. Class 3 - Ducts conveying Class 2 materials in high concentrations and highly abrasive materials in low concentrations, such as manganese, steel chips, and coke.

Class 4 - Ducts conveying highly abrasive material in high concentrations. Class 5 - Ducts conveying corrosives, such as acid vapors. The velocity and circulation of air in work areas shall be such that contaminant's are captured by an airstream at the area where the emissions are generated and conveyed into a product-conveying duct system.

Mixtures within work areas where contaminants are generated shall be diluted to be accordance with Section The velocity of air within the duct shall be not less than set forth in Table Systems conveying particulate matter shall be designed by employing the constant velocity method. Systems conveying explosive or radioactive materials shall be pre-balanced through duct sizing. Other systems shall be permitted to be designed with balancing devices such as dampers.

Dampers provided to balance airflow shall be provided with securely fixed minimum-position blocking devices to prevent restricting flow below the required volume or velocity. TABLE Makeup air shall be provided to replenish air exhausted by the ventilation system. Makeup air intakes shall be located so as to avoid recirculation of contaminated air within enclosures. Hoods and enclosures shall be used where contaminants originate in a concentrated area.

The design of the hood or enclosure shall be such that air currents created by the exhaust systems will capture the contaminants and transport them directly to the exhaust duct. The volume of air shall be sufficient to dilute explosive or flammable vapors, fumes, or dusts in accordance with Section Hoods of steel shall have a base metal thickness not less than 0.

Approved nonmetallic hoods and duct systems shall be permitted to be used for Class 5 corrosive systems where the corrosive mixture is nonflammable. Metal hoods used with Class 5 duct systems shall be protected with an approved corrosion-resistant material.

Edges of hoods shall be rounded. The minimum clearance between hoods and combustible construction shall be the clearance required by the duct system. Note: For additional pharmacy building standard requirements, see Chapter 12 , California Building Code. The pharmacy must ensure that contaminated air plenums that are under positive air pressure are leak tight.

Materials used in product-conveying duct systems shall be suitable for the intended use and shall be of metal. Exceptions: Asbestos-cement, concrete, clay, or ceramic materials shall be permitted to be used where it is shown that these materials will be equivalent to metal ducts installed in accordance with this chapter. Ducts serving a Class 5 system shall be permitted to be constructed of approved nonmetallic material where the corrosive characteristics of the material being conveyed make a metal system unsuitable and where the mixture being conveyed is nonflammable.

Approved nonmetallic material shall be either a listed product having a flame-spread index not exceeding 25 and a smoke-developed rating of 50 or less on both inside and outside surfaces without evidence of continued progressive combustion, or shall have a flame-spread index not exceeding 25 and shall be installed with an automatic fire-sprinkler protection system inside the duct.

Ducts used in central vacuum cleaning systems within a dwelling unit shall be constructed of materials in accordance with the applicable standards referenced in Chapter Penetrations of fire walls or floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies shall be in accordance with the building code. Ducts used for conveying products shall be airtight construction as approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, and shall not have openings other than those required for operation and maintenance of the system.

Ducts constructed of steel shall comply with Table Exceptions: Class 1 product-conveying ducts that operate at less than 4 inches water column 0. Ducts used in central vacuuming systems within a dwelling unit shall be constructed of materials in accordance with the applicable standards referenced in Chapter Penetrations of fire-resistive walls or floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies shall be in accordance with the building code.

Copper or ferrous pipes or conduit extending from within the separation between a garage and dwelling unit to the central vacuum unit shall be permitted to be used. Exhaust ducts shall not pass through fire walls , as defined by NFPA Exhaust ducts passing through a fire barrier having a fire resistance rating of 2 hours or more shall meet one of the following specifications: Wrapped or encased with listed or approved materials having a fire resistance rating equal to the fire barrier for 10 feet mm of the duct on each side of the fire barrier including duct supports within this span.

Constructed of materials and supports having a minimum fire resistance rating equal to the fire barrier. Enclosed with a shaft that is constructed of material having a fire resistance rating equal to the fire barrier for 10 feet mm of the duct on each side of the fire barrier with no inlets to the duct within this distance, and the duct entry into and exit from the shaft is protected in accordance with Section Exhaust ducts passing through fire barriers of any fire resistance rating shall be protected by sealing the space around the duct with listed or approved fire stopping having a fire resistance rating equal to the fire resistance rating of the fire barrier.

Joints in duct construction shall be liquidtight when the conveying system contains condensable vapors or liquids in suspension. Provisions shall be made for drainage of condensate at low points in the duct.

Fittings in Class 2, 3, and 4 systems shall be not less than two gauges thicker than the thickness required for straight runs. Flexible metallic duct shall be permitted to be used for connecting ductwork to vibrating equipment.

Duct systems subject to wide temperature fluctuations shall be provided with expansion joints. Branches shall connect to main ducts at the large end of transitions at an angle not exceeding 45 degrees 0.

Except for ducts used to convey noncorrosive vapors with no particulate, accessible cleanouts shall be provided at 10 foot mm intervals and at changes in direction. Access openings shall also be provided for access to sprinklers and other equipment within the duct that require servicing.

Ducts conveying explosive dusts shall have explosion vents, openings protected by anti-flashback swing valves, or rupture diaphragms. Openings to relieve explosive forces shall be located outside the building. Where relief devices cannot provide sufficient pressure relief, ductwork shall be designed to withstand an internal pressure of not less than pounds-force per square inch psi kPa.

Where a room or building contains a dust explosion hazard that is external to protected equipment , as defined in NFPA , such areas shall be provided with deflagration venting to a safe outside location. Supports shall be of noncombustible materials , and the spacing shall not exceed 12 feet mm for 8 inch mm ducts and 20 feet mm for larger ducts. Sprinklers or other fire-protection devices shall be installed within ducts having a cross-sectional dimension exceeding 10 inches mm where the duct conveys flammable vapors or fumes.

Sprinklers shall be installed at 12 foot mm intervals in horizontal ducts and at changes in direction. In vertical runs, sprinklers shall be installed at the top and at alternate floor levels. Duct supports shall be designed to carry the weight of the duct half filled with material. Where sprinkler protection is provided or cleaning of duct will be performed, the hanger's design shall include the weight of the expected liquid accumulation.

Duct supports shall be designed to prevent placing loads on connected equipment. Hangers and supports exposed to corrosive atmospheres shall be corrosion resistant. To prevent vibration and stress on the duct , hangers and supports shall be securely fastened to the building or structure.

Hangers and supports shall be designed to allow for expansion and contraction. Ducts installed in locations where they are subject to physical damage shall be protected by guards. Where stored combustible material or combustible construction is protected from ductwork by the use of materials or products listed for protection purposes, clearance shall be maintained in accordance with those listings.

When stored combustible materials or combustible construction are protected from ductwork in accordance with Section It shall be permitted to protect stored combustible material or combustible construction from ductwork in accordance with Table In no case shall the clearance between the duct and the combustible surface be reduced below that allowed in Table Spacers and ties for protection materials shall be of noncombustible material and shall not be installed on the duct side of the protection system.

Be formed of noncombustible material. With all clearance reduction systems, not less than 1 inch When using clearance reduction systems that include an air gap, not less than 1 inch When using clearance reduction systems that include an air gap between the combustible surface and the selected means of protection, air circulation shall be provided by one of the methods in accordance with Section Air circulation shall be permitted to be provided by leaving all edges of the wall protecting system open with at least a 1 inch If the means for protection is mounted on a single flat wall away from corners, air circulation shall be permitted to be provided by one of the following: Leaving only the top and bottom edges open to circulation by maintaining the 1 inch Leaving the top and both side edges open to circulation by maintaining the 1 inch Thermal shielding that covers two walls in a corner shall be permitted to be open at the top and bottom edges with not less than 1 inch Exhaust systems serving Type I hoods shall comply with Section Cooking equipment used in processes producing smoke or grease -laden vapors shall be equipped with an exhaust system that is in accordance with the equipment and performance requirements of this chapter.

Penetrations shall be sealed with listed devices in accordance with the requirements of Section Devices that require penetration of a Type I hood or grease duct , such as pipe and conduit penetration fittings and fasteners, shall be listed in accordance with UL or UL Seams, joints, and penetrations of the hood enclosure shall comply with Section Seams, joints, and penetrations of the ductwork shall comply with Section Where enclosures are not required, hoods , grease removal devices , exhaust fans, and ducts shall have a clearance of not less than 18 inches mm to combustible material, 3 inches 76 mm to limited-combustible material , and 0 inches 0 mm to noncombustible material.

Where a hood , duct , or grease removal device is listed for clearances less than those in accordance with Section Where a clearance reduction system consisting of 0. Where a clearance reduction system consisting of a listed and labeled field-applied grease duct enclosure material, system, product, or method of construction specifically evaluated for such purpose in accordance with ASTM E, the required clearance shall be in accordance with the listing.

Zero clearance to limited-combustible materials shall be permitted where protected by one of the following: Metal lath and plaster. Ceramic tile. Quarry tile. Other noncombustible materials or assembly of noncombustible materials that are listed for the purpose of reducing clearance.

Other materials and products that are listed for the purpose of reducing clearance. In the event of damage, the material or product shall be repaired and restored to meet its intended listing or clearance requirements and shall be approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.

In the event of a fire within a kitchen exhaust system, the duct and its enclosure rated shaft , factory-built grease duct enclosure, or field-applied grease duct enclosure shall be inspected by qualified personnel to determine whether the duct and protection method are structurally sound, capable of maintaining their fire protection function, and in accordance with this chapter for continued operation. Protection shall be provided on the wall from the bottom of the hood to the floor, or to the top of the noncombustible material extending to the floor, to the same level as required in Section The protection methods for ducts to reduce clearance shall be applied to the combustible or limited-combustible construction, not to the duct itself.

Factory-built grease duct enclosures shall be protected with a through-penetration firestop system classified in accordance with ASTM E or UL having an "F" and "T" rating equal to the fire resistance rating of the assembly being penetrated from the point at which the duct penetrates a ceiling, wall, or floor to the outlet terminal.

The factory-built grease duct protection system shall be listed in accordance with UL The factory-built grease duct protection system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and the listing requirements.

Field-applied grease duct enclosures shall be protected with a through penetration firestop system classified in accordance with ASTM E or UL having an "F" and "T" rating equal to the fire resistance rating of the assembly being penetrated.

The surface of the field fabricated grease duct shall be continuously covered on sides from the point at which the duct enclosure penetrates a ceiling, wall, or floor to the outlet terminal. The field-applied grease duct shall be listed in accordance with ASTM E and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and the listing requirements.

Field-applied grease duct enclosures and factory-built grease duct enclosures shall demonstrate that they provide mechanical and structural integrity, resiliency, and stability where subjected to expected building environmental conditions, duct movement under general operating conditions, and duct movement due to fire conditions.

Measures shall be taken to prevent physical damage to a material or product used for the purpose of reducing clearances. Exception: Where the duct is protected with a field-applied grease duct enclosure or factory-built grease duct enclosure.

The specifications of material, gauge, and construction of the duct used in the testing and listing of field-applied grease duct enclosures and factory-built grease duct enclosures shall be included as minimum requirements in their listing and installation documentation.

The following clearance options for which field-applied grease duct enclosures and factory-built grease duct enclosures have been successfully evaluated shall be clearly identified in their listing and installation documentation and on their labels: Open combustible construction clearance at manufacturer's requested dimensions.

Closed combustible construction clearance at manufacturer's requested dimensions, with or without specified ventilation. Rated shaft clearance at manufacturer's requested dimensions, with or without specified ventilation.

A duct shall be permitted to contact noncombustible floors, interior walls, and other noncombustible structures or supports, but it shall not be in contact for more than 50 percent of its surface area for each lineal foot of contact length. Where duct contact must exceed the requirements of Section Where the duct is listed for zero clearance to combustibles or otherwise protected with a material or product listed for the purpose of reducing clearance to zero, the duct shall be permitted to exceed the contact limits of Section Clearances between the duct and interior surfaces of enclosures shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section A drawing s of the exhaust system installation along with a copy of operating instructions for subassemblies and components used in the exhaust system, including electrical schematics, shall be on the premises.

Where required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction , notification in writing shall be given of an alteration, replacement, or relocation of an exhaust, extinguishing system or part thereof or cooking equipment. Self-draining stacks or equivalent shall be used for rain protection. Rain caps which divert the exhaust toward the roof shall be prohibited.

Type I hoods shall be installed at or above commercial-type deep-fat fryers, broilers , grills, hottop ranges, ovens, barbecues, rotisseries, and similar equipment that emits comparable amounts of smoke or grease in a food-processing establishment.

For the purpose of this section, a food-processing establishment shall include a building or portion thereof used for the processing of food, but shall not include a dwelling unit. Exceptions: Cooking appliance that is in accordance with UL B for reduced emissions where the grease discharge does not exceed 2.

Recirculating systems listed in accordance with UL B and installed in accordance with Section Listed hood assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the terms of their listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Listed hood assemblies shall be tested in accordance with UL Listed ultraviolet hoods shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the terms of their listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Duct systems connected to ultraviolet hoods shall comply with Section Listed exhaust hoods with or without exhaust dampers shall be permitted to be constructed of materials required by the listing. Listed exhaust hoods with or without exhaust dampers shall be permitted to be assembled in accordance with the listing requirements. The hood or that portion of a primary collection means designed for collecting cooking vapors and residues constructed of steel shall be not less than 0.

Wall-mounted exhaust hood assemblies shall be tight fitting against the back wall as to not permit passage of grease vapor behind the hood , or between the back wall and the hood assembly. Seams, joints, and penetrations of the hood enclosure that direct and capture grease -laden vapors and exhaust gases shall have a liquid-tight continuous external weld to the hood 's lower outermost perimeter. Internal hood joints, seams, filter support frames, and appurtenances attached inside the hood shall be sealed or otherwise made greasetight.

Eyebrow-type hoods over gas or electric ovens shall be permitted to have a duct constructed as required in Section The duct connecting the oven flue s to the hood canopy shall be connected with a continuous weld or have a duct -to- duct connection. Insulation materials other than electrical insulation shall have a flame spread index of not more than 25, where tested in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL Adhesives or cements used in the installation of insulating materials shall be in accordance with this section where tested with the specific insulating material.

The construction and size of exhaust hood assemblies with integrated supply air plenums shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section The construction of the outer shell or the inner exhaust shell shall be in accordance with Section Where the outer shell is welded, the inner shell shall be of greasetight construction. A fire-actuated damper shall be installed in the supply air plenum at each point where a supply air duct inlet or a supply air outlet penetrates the continuously welded shell of the assembly.

The fire damper shall be listed for such use or be part of a listed exhaust hood with or without exhaust damper. Supply air plenums that discharge air from the face rather than from the bottom or into the exhaust hood and that are isolated from the exhaust hood by the continuously welded shell extending to the lower outermost perimeter of the entire hood assembly shall not require a fire-actuated damper.

The supports shall be capable of supporting the expected weight of the hood and plus pounds Hoods shall be sized in accordance with the airflow capacity in accordance with Section For canopy type commercial cooking hoods , the inside edge thereof shall overhang or extend a horizontal distance of not less than 6 inches mm beyond the edge of the cooking surface on open sides, and the vertical distance between the lip of the hood and the cooking surface shall not exceed 4 feet mm.

Exception: Listed exhaust hoods are to be installed in accordance with the terms of their listings and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Canopy-type commercial cooking hoods shall exhaust through the hood with a quantity of air not less than determined by the application in accordance with Section The exhaust quantity shall be the net exhaust from the hood determined in accordance with Equation The duty level for the hood shall be the duty level of the appliance that has the highest heaviest duty level of appliances installed underneath the hood.

Exception: Listed exhaust hoods installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. The minimum net airflow for hoods used for solid fuel cooking appliances such as charcoal, briquette, and mesquite to provide the heat source for cooking shall be in accordance with Table The minimum net airflow for hoods used for cooking appliances such as gas under-fired broilers , gas chain conveyor broilers , electric and gas wok ranges, and electric and gas over-fired upright broilers shall be in accordance with Table The minimum net airflow for hoods used for cooking appliances such as electric and gas hot-top ranges, gas open-burner ranges with or without oven , electric and gas flat griddles, electric and gas double-sided griddles, electric and gas fryers including open deep fat fryers, donut fryers, kettle fryers, and pressure fryers , and electric and gas conveyor pizza ovens shall be in accordance with Table Noncanopy-type commercial cooking hoods shall be installed and sized in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, and Section Exception: Listed hood assemblies designed and installed specifically for the intended use.

Noncanopy-type commercial cooking hoods shall be installed with the edge of the hood set back not more than 1 foot mm from the edge of the cooking surface, and the vertical distance between the lip of the hood and the cooking surface shall not exceed 3 feet mm. Listed noncanopy exhaust hoods and filters shall be sized and installed in accordance with the terms of their listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Where solid- fuel cooking equipment is to be used, the solid- fuel hood assembly shall be in accordance with Section An exhaust outlet within an unlisted hood shall be located so as to optimize the capture of particulate matter.

Each outlet shall serve not more than a 12 foot mm section of an unlisted hood. Listed grease filters or other listed grease removal devices intended for use with commercial cooking operations shall be provided. Listed grease filters and grease removal devices that are removable , but not an integral component of a specific listed exhaust hood , shall be listed in accordance with UL Mesh filters shall not be used unless evaluated as an integral part of a listed exhaust hood or listed in conjunction with a primary filter in accordance with UL The distance between the grease removal device and the cooking surface shall be not less than 18 inches mm.

Where grease removal devices are used in conjunction with charcoal or charcoal-type broilers , including gas or electrically heated charbroilers, a vertical distance of not less than 4 feet mm shall be maintained between the lower edge of the grease removal device and the cooking surface.

Where the distance between the grease removal device and the appliance flue outlet heat source is less than 18 inches mm , grease removal devices shall be protected from combustion gas outlets and from direct flame impingement occurring during normal operation of cooking appliances producing high flue gas temperatures. This protection shall be permitted to be accomplished by the installation of a steel or stainless steel baffle plate between the heat source and the grease removal device.

The baffle plate shall be sized and located so that flames or combustion gases shall travel a distance not less than 18 inches mm from the heat source to the grease removal device. The baffle shall be located not less than 6 inches mm from the grease removal devices. Grease filters shall be listed and constructed of steel or other non- combustible material , and shall be of rigid construction that will not distort or crush under normal operation, handling, cleaning, or replacement. Grease filters shall be arranged so that exhaust air passes through the grease filters.

Grease filters shall be easily accessible for removal. Grease filters shall be installed at an angle not less than 45 degrees 0. Grease filters shall be equipped with a grease drip tray beneath their lower edges. Grease drip trays shall be kept to the minimum size needed to collect grease and shall be pitched to drain into an enclosed metal container having a capacity not exceeding 1 gallon 4L.

Grease filters that require a specific orientation to drain grease shall be clearly so designated, or the hood shall be constructed so that filters cannot be installed in the wrong orientation. Where solid-fuel cooking equipment is provided with grease removal devices, these devices shall be in accordance with Section Ducts shall not pass through fire walls.

Ducts shall lead as directly to the exterior of the building, so as not to unduly increase a fire hazard. Duct systems shall not be interconnected with a building ventilation or exhaust system. Ducts shall be installed with not less than 2 percent slope on horizontal runs up to 75 feet 22 mm and not less than 8 percent slope on horizontal runs more than 75 feet 22 mm.

Factory-built grease ducts shall be permitted to be installed in accordance with the listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. I ordered my wedding invitations at KC Hoppers and the girls there were a dream. So helpful and considerate. The absolute best customer service I have ever dealt with. Quick shipping, awesome selection and quality products. Advertise with Us. Burbank Classifieds. North Hollywood Classifieds.

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