Michael Paglia is an art historian and writer whose columns have appeared in Westword since ; his essays on the visual arts have also been published in national periodicals including Art News , Architecture , Art Ltd.
He taught art history at the University of Colorado Denver. Contact: Michael Paglia. Don't Miss Out. Join Today. Sign Up. I Support Learn More. Latest Stories. More ». Sign Up Now No Thanks. Become a member and go ad-free! Support Our Journalism. Source: ThinkAdvisor. Source: Reuters. Source: SIIA. The Innovator: A website for the well-connected. Source: Financial Times. A new networking tool has turned the traditional social media model inside out…. Source: The New York Times.
Source: Venture Beat. Source: Press Release. So you want to meet the biggest bigwigs in business? Neal Goldman found a way…. Neal Goldman discusses big data and the science of decision-making. The big data revolution is requiring a seismic shift inside organizations…. Source: Forbes. When your startup creates a detailed map of profiles and relationships of over 2 million of the rich and powerful in the business world, people will beat a path to your door….
Source: CNBC. RelSci captures it all. Source: Readwrite. One of the big promises of social networking is that it will inject your networking skills with PED performance enhancing data , able….
RelSci can help users build stronger business relationships. Source: Argyle Journal. Ken Langone, Invemed Associates, discusses where retail investors can find the best opportunities….
RelSci connects users to more than two million influential decision-makers. Source: Mashable. LinkedIn may be useful for helping professionals research and connect with others in their industry, but Relationship Science hopes….
Forget six degrees of Kevin Bacon. This is six degrees of Henry Kravis. It is, after all, about who you know. Source: Business Insider. RelSci seeks to gain an edge on LinkedIn and Facebook by not relying on social networks or user-inputted content. Source: Bloomberg.
Relationship Science, a startup backed by billionaires such as Kenneth Langone and Henry Kravis, unveiled a professional-networking…. RelSci is useful to technology entrepreneurs, politicians, and nonprofit executives. Rollins could stay busy just paying attention to his other businesses. Daniel P. He was chief operating officer and president prior to his appointment as CEO.
He became chairman of the board in May , when Paul Amos retired. The supplemental insurance company was founded by Paul Amos and his two brothers in As with most executives at public companies, the real compensation is in stock. What Daniel Amos may end up being known for, however, is his contribution to children's health. Age: 70; Founder and chairman of the board, Cousins Properties Inc. The man who started Cousins Properties Inc. Tom Cousins also made some money doing it.
Cousins' 9. Cousins served as CEO of the company until January. He remains chairman of the board, although he stopped receiving a salary in July , according to documents filed with the SEC. Craig Ponzio started out designing picture frames in and ended up taking over the company in Then he turned it into a business admired by the likes of Warren Buffett. Norcross-based Albecca Inc. Buffett's vehicle, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.