You will need to enter from the main doors on fifth avenue. Metered parking is available on streets surrounding the Seattle Justice Center. Many other public pay lots are also available within walking distance. Passenger Dropoffs: Fifth Avenue is one way southbound. There is no drop off point in front of the Justice Center.
Metered parking is available on streets surrounding the Seattle Justice Center. Many other public pay lots are also available within walking distance. Passenger Dropoffs: Fifth Avenue is one way southbound. There is no drop off point in front of the Justice Center.
Cherry street is one way eastbound. You will receive your report more quickly than a Public Disclosure Request, but the reports will have less detail. If you are requesting a report on behalf of a victim or complainant, you must provide the following to obtain copies of reports:. For more detailed reports available to the public, reports including additional types of records such as audio or video , or arrest reports and DUIs you can make a Public Disclosure Request through the Records Request Center.
This will be handled by the Public Disclosure Unit. Washington State Patrol is the custodian of all collision reports within the State of Washington. You can request a copy of any accident report through their website.
If you were in an accident outside of Seattle City limits, you can contact the local agency where the accident occurred, or you can search the WSP Collision Report Search application. Criminal convictions are public record and a full record of that information or lack of convictions is available from the Washington State Patrol Records Section. The Seattle Police Department can prepare a 'clearance letter' for you if you have never been convicted within the city limits.
A Clearance Letter can only be issued to an individual that shows 'no convictions as known by the Seattle Police Department,' We do not run a full background check, and only produce a letter stating you have no convictions in Seattle.
Please be sure to enclose a check payable to City of Seattle and the address where you would like the letters mailed. Letters will be completed at the time of request. If you require a complete criminal history search anything outside of Seattle city limits , please contact the Washington State Patrol WSP - If the child is in immediate danger or if an urgent police response is needed, call In all other cases, please contact the police agency where the crime occurred.
A legal advocate is a counselor who is trained to help victims and their families in the criminal justice system. Legal advocates are not lawyers and cannot provide legal advice, but they are experts on what happens in the criminal justice process and they are very helpful for victims and their families. In addition to supporting you and your family through the process, a legal advocate can: - provide information about what to expect - accompany you to interviews and court hearings - make you aware of your rights as a victim of a crime - help you safety plan - provide you with legal updates - advocate for the outcome that you would like - inform you of your options - support the choices that you make - speak on your behalf if requested.
Child Protective Services takes reports from citizens and professionals about possible child abuse. The mission of CPS is to make sure that children are safe in their homes or in facilities licensed by the state.
CPS becomes involved when the suspect is a parent, is acting in the parent-role, or is a sibling of the victim. CPS may also become involved if a parent does not protect their child from abuse or does not take steps to protect their child once the abuse becomes known.
CPS also investigates cases when possible abuse is reported in a child care facility, foster home, or other state licensed facility. The focus of CPS is child safety. To keep children safe CPS social workers may create a safety plan with you.
In addition, they may ask the identified suspect to leave your home during the investigation. If children cannot be kept safe in their home they may be temporarily placed with relatives or in a foster home until the home is safe again. CPS can also provide resources to help your family and they can help you understand the investigation process. If you already have an assigned CPS social worker, you should contact your social worker with any questions or concerns about your case.
They continue to be involved as long as the child remains out of the home or is in an on-going dependency. An immediate medical exam is recommended if a child or teenager reports that sexual abuse occurred within the past hours 5 days. A non-emergency medical exam is also generally recommended when there has been a report or concern of sexual abuse or anytime there is worry about the health of the child or teen.
An exam is also recommended if a child has visible injuries or concern of recent or recurrent physical abuse. King County has a coordinated system that provides forensic medical care for all sexual assault victims.
Francis Hospital, St. SANEs are specially trained nurses who come into the emergency department to provide sensitive and expert forensic exams and health care. Your teen can be seen at either of these hospitals or at one of the other hospitals that offer SANE examinations. A child interview is a conversation with a child about what they may have experienced or witnessed. The information is gathered using evidence-based interviewing techniques that are designed to get accurate information from the child.
A child interview is scheduled after a detective is assigned to investigate a possible crime that involves a child between the ages of 4 through Child interviews are also sometimes used with youth and adults who have special needs.
The CJC has put together a pamphlet to answer the questions that most parents have about the process. Prosecutors who have special training and an interest in working on child abuse and sexual assault cases staff these units. It is designed to help children and families cope with the process of going to court.